Call Us: 810-953-3846
Brett Howell, the founder of the Elder and Estate Planning Law Firm, specializes in helping Michigan families protect their estates. Whether you are worried about nursing home expenses that cost approximately $9,000.00 per month, assisted living expenses, having your estate avoid probate court or planning for a special needs child or grandchild, Brett has helped thousands of families obtain peace of mind when faced with such issues. Often this involves qualifying for Medicaid or VA benefits, creating a trust for an estate or a special needs trust for a disabled loved one. If you are dealing with any of these issues, contact our office for a confidential consultation to discuss your concerns with Brett – you will be glad (and relieved) you did.
What is a Power of Attorney?
Pay expenses
Access safety deposit boxes
File tax returns
Conduct financial transactions
A durable power of attorney can be set up in 2 different ways. The first is a “limited” power of attorney which authorizes the agent to act on behalf of the principal for specific circumstances only, such as selling real estate. The second is a “general” power of attorney which typically gives the agent the authority to make any and all financial decisions on behalf of the principal.
2. A health care power of attorney authorizes a person (called the patient advocate) to exercise powers concerning medical related decisions. This includes the authority to withhold or withdraw life support or be placed under hospice care. A health care power of attorney is necessary so that if you become incapacitated, someone else can make medical decisions on your behalf.
It is very helpful if you first discuss your preferences about end of life measures with your family, when there is no crises, rather than having them guess about what you would want. It is also good to have a clear understanding among family members of your preferences in order to avoid any conflicts.
A power of attorney is a legal document that is used to delegate legal authority to another. This document authorizes one person (the agent or attorney in fact) to act on behalf of another person (known as the principal) while the person is still alive. There are two main types of powers of attorney: a durable power of attorney and a health care power of attorney.
1. A durable power of attorney authorizes one person to make financial decisions for another while they are still alive. A durable power of attorney can grant a person the ability to: