Veteran's Pension 2022
As explained in previous newsletters, one of the best kept secrets of the Department of Veterans Affairs is the veteran’s pension for a...
How Will You Afford a Long Life?
Living into your eighties is no longer uncommon. With the doubling of life expectancy since the Industrial Revolution, we have achieved...
Medicaid Figures for 2022
Every January, the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) releases updated figures for Medicaid qualification....
Creative Ways To Celebrate This Holiday Season
The holiday season is quickly approaching. Trying to find ways to celebrate with family and friends can be a challenge. has a...
'Tis The Season For Special Challenges
It may be hard to believe, but once again the Christmas season is upon us. Along with the joy of celebrating the birth of Christ come...
Consumer's Guide to Medicaid Planning
Last week I shared part one of my Consumer's Guide to Medicaid Planning. This week I would like to focus on part two of the guide which...
Consumer's Guide to Medicaid Planning
As the founder of the Elder and Estate Planning Law Firm, I specialize in helping Michigan families protect their estates. Whether you...
Don't Leave Your Family Unprepared
Benjamin Franklin said there were only two things certain in life: death and taxes. Yet in spite of everyone having an expiration date,...
Home Alone
In the 1990 comedy movie Home Alone, Macaulay Culkin plays the role of a young boy mistakenly left behind while his family flies to Paris...
The Essential Documents For Your Loved One's
​Leaving your family to sort through all of your papers after your death or following an emergency is often very time consuming and...