How Will You Afford a Long Life?
Living into your eighties is no longer uncommon. With the doubling of life expectancy since the Industrial Revolution, we have achieved...

Protecting Your On-Line Accounts
It wasn't that long ago that the on-line world was something used primarily by the younger generation. Now it touches nearly every aspect...

Estate Planning for Personal Possessions
I am frequently asked about how to handle all the personal possessions a loved one has accumulated over the years. It is not uncommon to...

Medicaid Figures for 2021
Every January, the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) releases updated figures for Medicaid qualification....

Reasons to Make a Last Will and Testament
​ Individuals work a lifetime accumulating assets, personal property and mementos. It only takes a small investment of time to make sure...

Tis’ The Season For Special Challenges
It may be hard to believe, but once again the Christmas season is upon us. Along with the joy of celebrating the birth of Christ come...

The Consumer's Guide to Medicaid Planning - Part 3
This week is part three of my Consumer's Guide to Medicaid Planning. Lets look at some case studies for qualifying for Medicaid: Division...

Consumer's Guide to Medicaid Planning
Last week I shared part one of my Consumer's Guide to Medicaid Planning. This week I would like to focus on part two of the guide which...

Medicaid Planning: How to Protect Your Assets
Despite harsh restrictions, qualifying for Medicaid benefits is still possible. An experienced elder law attorney can help you qualify for M

Top 10 Estate Planning Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
Estate planning can often seem overwhelming. Fortunately, as a certified elder law attorney, I can help with all your estate planning needs.